CEO Commit

At WorkWell Leaders, we believe that for us to Lead Well, we must first Be Well.

Effective organisational leadership that focuses on staff wellbeing begins with the proactive management of the leader’s own wellbeing. A leader’s personal focus is often mirrored in the focus and culture of the organisation.

Knowing where to start in managing our own wellbeing can be difficult and takes  Commitment, especially with the advice and chatter we receive from well-intentioned people around us. A simple, step-by-step guide for leaders, CEO Commit aims to help prioritise time/energy and create clarity and focus, not only for CEOs, but also for the teams they lead.  

By positively managing and Committing to your own wellbeing, your enhanced state of mind as well as positive work and life outcomes will set an example to those around you, inspiring them to pursue personal wellbeing with Compassion, Courage and Clarity.

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